Supported protocols and gateways

Supported protocols

Remote Control supports the following protocols:

Telnet is considered to be an insecure protocol lacking built-in security measures. For network communication in a production environment we highly recommend you to use the SSH protocol instead.

Supported gateways

Remote Control supports the following gateways:

Compatibility and limitations

VNC protocol

The following versions of the VNC protocol are currently supported:

The functionality has been tested on the following VNC servers:

The following operating systems/browsers are currently supported:

Operating system Browser Touch Swipe Keyboard Pointer
Windows 10 Edge 38 Yes Yes Yes Minor
Windows 10 Internet Explorer Yes Yes Yes Minor
Windows 10 Firefox 51 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ubuntu 16.04 Chrome 56 Minor Yes Yes Yes
Ubuntu 16.04 Firefox 51 Minor Yes Yes Yes
MacOS Safari Yes Yes Yes Yes
iOS 10.2.1 Safari Yes Minor No n/a
Android 6.0.1 Chrome Yes Minor No n/a
Android 6.0.1 Stock browser 5.0 Yes Minor No n/a

Telnet protocol

The following limitations apply to Remote Control for Telnet:

Area Scrolling Reflow on width change Bitmap fonts Vector fonts Mouse tracking Application keypad Tabs Split screen
Console Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes
xterm Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

SSH protocol

For Remote Control for SSH, the same limitations as for Telnet apply (see above). Moreover, the following additional limitations are known: