
Hardware CPU: 6 cores
RAM: 10 GB
CPU Architecture: x86-64

Info: These are the minimum system requirements for deploying Edge. If a custom microservice requires additional resources, you must configure the system accordingly in addition to the minimum requirements. For example, if a custom microservice requires 2 CPU cores and 4 GB of RAM, then the Kubernetes node must have 8 CPU cores (6 cores for standard workloads + 2 cores for your microservice) and 14 GB of RAM (10 GB for standard workloads + 4 GB for your microservice).

Kubernetes Version 1.25.x has been tested (with potential compatibility for subsequent versions) and is supported across the following platforms:
- Lightweight Kubernetes (K3s). To enable the proper functioning of the Edge Operator on K3s, you must install K3s with the following configuration options. For more information, see Special instructions for K3s.
- Kubernetes (K8s)
- Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
- Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Info: Edge on Kubernetes has undergone testing on the Kubernetes platforms mentioned above, using the Containerd, CRI-O, and Docker container runtimes.

Edge on Kubernetes is tested and supported on single-node Kubernetes clusters.
Helm version 3.x Refer to Installing Helm for the installation instructions.
Disk space Three static Persistent Volumes (PV) or a StorageClass configured with dynamic provisioning to bind.
- 75 GB for the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) made for MongoDB (configurable through the Custom Resource).
- 10 GB for the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) made for the Private Registry to host custom microservices.
- 5 GB for the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) made for application logs.
For more information about configuring the storage, see Configuring storage.
Edge license file To request the license file for Edge, please contact the logistics team for your region:
- North and South America:
- All Other Regions:
In the email, you must include
- Your company name, under which the license has been bought
- The domain name (for example,, where Edge will be reachable
For more information, see Domain name validation for Edge license key generation.
The Edge Operator repository credentials You will receive the Edge Operator repository credentials along with the Edge license.
TLS/SSL key and TLS/SSL certificate Optional. Use your internal or an external CA (Certification Authority) to generate these files. Ensure that the TLS/SSL certificate has the complete certificate chain in the right order.

Info: The .crt and .key files must be in the PEM format and the .key file must not be encrypted.

Edge cloud remote access To connect and manage one (or multiple) Edge deployments to your Cloud of Things cloud tenant, you need an active Cloud of Things Standard tenant with the Data Broker and Remote Control extensions.

Info: The Edge cloud remote access is an optional feature in Edge.

Special instructions for K3s

To enable the proper functioning of the Edge Operator on K3s, you must install K3s with the following configuration options.

Run the command below to install Kubernetes version 1.25.13:

sudo sh -c '
echo "vm.panic_on_oom=0\nvm.overcommit_memory=1\nkernel.panic=10\nkernel.panic_on_oops=1" >> /etc/sysctl.d/90-kubelet.conf && \
sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/90-kubelet.conf && \
curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION=v1.25.13+k3s1 sh -s - \
    --disable=traefik \
    --write-kubeconfig-mode 644 \
    --protect-kernel-defaults true  \
    --kube-apiserver-arg=admission-control=ValidatingAdmissionWebhook,MutatingAdmissionWebhook && \
mkdir -p ~/.kube && \
cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml ~/.kube/config && \
chown $USER: ~/.kube/config && \
chmod 600 ~/.kube/config && \
echo "\e[32mSuccessfully installed k3s!\e[0m"

For configuration options, see K3s configuration options.

To install a later version of Kubernetes, update the environment variable INSTALL_K3S_VERSION.

Configuring proxy

When Cloud of Things Edge is deployed behind a proxy, it must be configured to communicate with external endpoints over the internet through the proxy server. To configure Edge to use a proxy, you must create or update a ConfigMap named custom-environment-variables in the c8yedge namespace (or the one you deployed Edge into) with the required proxy settings. The keys http_proxy, https_proxy and socks_proxy must be set to the URLs of the HTTP, HTTPS and Socks proxies, respectively. The key no_proxy must be set to specify a comma-separated list of domain suffixes, IP addresses, or CIDR ranges that Edge should bypass the proxy server for.

Here is an example of a ConfigMap with proxy settings:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: custom-environment-variables
  http_proxy: http://proxy-server-ip:port
  https_proxy: http://proxy-server-ip:port
  socks_proxy: socks5://proxy-server-ip:port
  no_proxy:,::1,localhost,.svc,.cluster.local,cumulocity,<edge domain name, for example,>,<Kubernetes cluster IP range, for example,>

By configuring Edge with the appropriate proxy settings, you ensure that it can seamlessly communicate with external endpoints through the proxy server, allowing it to function effectively in environments where proxy usage is mandated.

The table below provides more information:

Default Description
http_proxy No String Specifies the URL of the HTTP proxy to be used for network connections.
https_proxy No String Specifies the URL of the HTTPS proxy to be used for secure network connections.
socks_proxy No String Specifies the URL of a SOCKS proxy.
no_proxy No String Specifies a comma-separated list of addresses or domains for which the proxy will be bypassed. This is configured with the specified entries, Edge domain name, Kubernetes Pod CIDR (Cluster Pod IP Address Range), Kubernetes Service CIDR (Cluster Service IP Address Range) and any other domains, hosts or IPs you want to bypass the proxy when accessed.

Configuring storage

Kubernetes makes physical storage devices available to your cluster in the form of two API resources, PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim.

A Persistent Volume (PV) is a storage resource in Kubernetes that is provisioned and managed independently from the Pods that use it. It provides a way to store data in a durable and persistent manner, even if the Pod that uses it is deleted or restarted.

PVs are typically used to store data that must be preserved across Pod restarts or rescheduling, such as databases or file systems. They can be backed by various storage technologies, such as local disks, network-attached storage (NAS), or cloud-based storage services.

To use a PV in Kubernetes, you need to define a PersistentVolume object that describes the characteristics of the storage, such as capacity, access modes, and the storage-provider-specific details. Once the PV is created, you can create a PersistentVolumeClaim object that requests a specific amount of storage with specific access requirements. The Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) binds to a matching PV, and the Pod can then use the PVC to mount the storage and access the data.

By using PVs and PVCs, you can decouple the storage management from the application deployment, making it easier to manage and scale your applications in Kubernetes.

PVs represent cluster resources, while PVCs serve as requests for these resources and also serve as validation checks for the resource they request. Provisioning PVs can be done in two ways: statically or dynamically.

Persistent Volume Claims made by the Edge Operator

The Edge Operator requests three PVCs, as outlined in the table below. Each of these PVCs utilizes the StorageClass if specified within the spec.storageClassName field of the Edge CR.

Persistent volume
Persistent Volume Claim
75 GB mongod-data-edge-db-rs0-0 Claimed by the MongoDB server to retain application data. The default size is 75 GB, but this value can be adjusted using the field in the Edge CR file.
10 GB microservices-registry-data Claimed by the private docker registry to store microservice images.
5 GB edge-logs Claimed by the Edge logging component to store the application and system logs.

To guarantee the retention of physical storage even after the PVC is deleted (for example, when Edge is deleted) and to enable future storage expansion if needed, it’s crucial to configure the StorageClass and/or the PVs with the following settings:

  1. Reclaim Policy: Ensure that the reclaim policy is set to Retain. This setting preserves the storage even after the PVC deletion.
  2. Volume Expansion: Set the volume expansion option to true. This setting enables the storage to be expanded when necessary.

If these recommended settings are not configured in the StorageClass, in the Edge CR status you receive the warnings below:

These warnings serve as reminders to adjust these settings for optimal storage management.

Kubernetes provides a variety of persistent volume types, but two specific types enable Pod containers to access either a Network File System (NFS) or the cluster node’s local filesystem (often set up as a NFS drive mapped to a local folder). This configuration is especially prevalent in on-premises deployments.

Static provisioning of PVs

You can skip this section if your Kubernetes cluster is already configured for dynamic provisioning of PVs.

This section outlines the steps for configuring the Kubernetes cluster to enable Edge to utilize NFS as a source for the PVs. For additional storage options, refer to the Kubernetes documentation.

Since you manually created the PVs, you must specify an empty StorageClass as "" in the spec.storageClassName field of the Edge CR for Kubernetes to carry out static provisioning, thereby binding PVC claims made by the Edge Operator.

Installing the Edge Operator

A Helm chart is available for installing the Edge Operator. To begin, create a new single-node Kubernetes cluster with the Kubernetes distribution of your choice, and configure kubectl to use that cluster. See Prerequisites for the supported Kubernetes distributions and versions.

Edge provides a script to install the Edge Operator. This script is located at

To install the Edge Operator, run and enter the version (for example, 1018.0.0) you want to install, and the repository credentials you received along with the license.

curl -sfL //files/edge-k8s/ -O && bash ./

Provide the Edge Operator repository credentials in the prompt:

Enter username to access Edge Operator repository:  
Enter password to access Edge Operator repository:
To request the Edge repository credentials, contact the DT IoT logistics team for your region:

By default, the Edge Operator is deployed within the c8yedge namespace. If you wish to install the Edge Operator and Edge in a different namespace, you can specify it using the -n option in the installation script.

Run the following command to follow the logs for the Edge Operator pod:

kubectl logs -f -n c8yedge deployment/c8yedge-operator-controller-manager manager
Substitute the namespace name c8yedge in the command above with the namespace name where you have installed the Edge Operator.

Installing Edge

Before you start the installation, ensure that you have fulfilled the prerequisites and configured the storage as described in Configuring storage.

Download and edit the Edge CR (c8yedge.yaml), before applying it to your Kubernetes cluster by running the command below:

kubectl apply -f c8yedge.yaml

For more information about the structure and configuration options available in the Edge CR, see the Edge Custom Resource section.

Verifying the Edge installation

To monitor the installation progress, run the command below:

kubectl describe edge c8yedge -n c8yedge

This command allows you to view the details about the installation of c8yedge in the c8yedge namespace.

Substitute the Edge name and namespace name, which is currently c8yedge in the command, with the specific Edge name and namespace name you have specified in your Edge CR.

You can also follow the events raised for the Edge CR by running the command below:

watch kubectl get events -n c8yedge --field-selector --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp

The Events section in the output of the describe edge command specifies the installation progress and the Status section displays the generation of the Edge CR which is being installed and its current state. Once the installation succeeds, the Status section also displays the generation of the CR which is deployed, Edge version, last deployed time/age, validation warnings, if any and some help commands for downloading the diagnostic logs, extracting the Root CA of the Edge Operator generated TLS certificates.

A sample status output:

Name:         c8yedge
Namespace:    c8yedge
Kind:         Cloud of ThingsIoTEdge

  Creation Timestamp:  2023-08-11T00:00:01Z
  Generation:          1

  Version:             1018.0.0
  License Key:         ***************
  Company:             IoT Company

  Deployed Generation:  1
  Last Deployed Time:  2023-08-11T00:15:00Z
  State:               Ready
  Version:             1018.0.0-XXXX

  Help Commands:
    Download Logs:   
FILE_NAME="edge-diagnostic-archive-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).tar.gz" && \
kubectl exec -n edge-sample-logging logging-fluentd-0 -c fluentd -- tar -czvf /var/log/$FILE_NAME /var/log/edge && \
kubectl cp edge-sample-logging/logging-fluentd-0:/var/log/$FILE_NAME -c fluentd ./$FILE_NAME && \
kubectl exec -n edge-sample-logging logging-fluentd-0 -c fluentd -- rm /var/log/$FILE_NAME

A sample set of installation events:

  Type     Reason            Age    From               Message
  ----     ------            ----   ----               -------
  Normal   Validating        15m    cumulocityiotedge  validating
  Normal   ValidationPassed  15m    cumulocityiotedge  validation passed
  Normal   Installing        15m    cumulocityiotedge  installing
  Normal   Installing        12m    cumulocityiotedge  finished installing mongo server
  Normal   Installing        8m     cumulocityiotedge  finished installing core
  Normal   Installing        5m     cumulocityiotedge  finished installing and updating microservices
  Normal   Installing        2m     cumulocityiotedge  finished installing thin-edge
  Normal   Ready             1m     cumulocityiotedge  Cloud of Things Private installation is complete, and it's now running version 1018.0.0-XXXX

Before you continue, wait for the Edge CR status to reach the Ready state.

Accessing Edge

Before you can access Edge, you must first get the external IP address. The Edge Operator creates a load balancer service named cumulocity-core, which receives an external IP. Clients outside of the cluster can access the Edge through this external IP.

Assigning an external IP

To get the external IP to access Edge, run the command below:

kubectl get service cumulocity-core -n c8yedge
Substitute the namespace name c8yedge in the command above with the specific namespace name you have specified in your Edge CR.

Sample output of the kubectl get service command:

NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP          EXTERNAL-IP         PORT(S)
cumulocity-core   LoadBalancer   X.X.X.X **REDACTED  X.X.X.X **REDACTED  443:31342/TCP,1883:32751/TCP,8883:32270/TCP

Sometimes the external IP displays as <pending> or <none>. The IP assignment process is dependent on the Kubernetes hosting environment. An external load balancer in the hosting environment handles the IP allocation and any other configurations necessary to route the external traffic to the Kubernetes service. Most on-premise Kubernetes clusters do not have external load balancers that can dynamically allocate IPs. The most common solution is to manually assign an external IP to the service. This can be done in the service’s YAML configuration. You can use the following command to manually assign an external IP to the cumulocity-core service (replace <EXTERNAL-IP> in the command below with the IP address you want to assign).

kubectl patch service cumulocity-core -n c8yedge -p '{"spec":{"type": "LoadBalancer", "externalIPs":["<EXTERNAL-IP>"]}}'
Substitute the namespace name c8yedge in the command above with the specific namespace name you have specified in your Edge CR.

When manually assigning the external IP, see the following Kubernetes API documentation:

“These IPs are not managed by Kubernetes. The user is responsible for ensuring that traffic arrives at a node with this IP.”

You can access Edge using a domain name in a web browser.

Accessing Edge using the domain name

Access Edge using the domain name configured as part of the installation. There are two ways of configuring the accessibility with the domain names:

The first option is always preferable so that Edge is accessible over LAN.

Adding the alias

On Linux machines, add the following entry to /etc/hosts:

<IP address> <domain_name>
<IP address> management.<domain_name>

Use the external IP address fetched by running the command kubectl get service in the previous section.

On Windows machines, add the same entry to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

Ping the <domain_name> to verify it.

ping <domain_name>
ping management.<domain_name>

If the ping is successful, the DNS resolution is working properly.

To access Edge

To access Edge, enter one of the following URLs in the browser:

This will bring up the below login screen. Enter the default credentials username “admin” and password “admin-pass” to log in in to both the “edge” tenant and the Management tenant.

Login prompt

On the first login, you see the dialog window below, forcing you to change the password. The email address to change the password is the one you specified in the Cloud of Things Edge CR (or if you followed the Quickstart installation steps). Alternatively, run the following command to retrieve the email address:

kubectl get edge c8yedge -n c8yedge -o jsonpath='{}' && echo

Substitute the Edge name and namespace name, which is currently c8yedge in the command, with the specific Edge name and namespace name you have specified in your Edge CR.

Reset password

After a successful deployment, it is crucial to access both the Management tenant and the “edge” tenant and change their respective admin credentials.

If you are logging in for the first time, you will see a cookie banner at the bottom of the login screen:

Cookie Banner

The cookie banner is turned on by default. This feature can be configured. For more information see Branding.
If you have enabled functional cookies you can opt out of the product experience tracking later on via the User settings dialog, see User options and settings.

Select the Remember me checkbox if you want the browser to remember your credentials, so that you do not have to enter them again when opening the application the next time. This is especially convenient if you frequently switch between Cloud of Things applications, as Edge requests you to authenticate each time when starting an application. You can make the browser “forget” your credentials by explicitly logging out.

Finally, click Login to enter Edge. Initially, you will be taken to the Cockpit application, if not configured differently.

Cockpit home page

To explicitly log out, click the User button at the right of the top bar, then select Logout from the context menu.

The maximum number of failed logins (due to invalid credentials), after which a user is locked, can be configured by the Management tenant on platform level, see Cloud of Things Core - Operations guide. The default value is 100.

How to reset or change your password

To reset your password, you must first configure the “reset password” template and email server settings in Edge. For information about configuring the email server, see Configuring the email server.

For information about changing the password, see To change your password.

How to access pages using URLs

For information about accessing pages using the URLs, see To access pages using URLs.

Accessing logs

The Edge Operator deploys and configures a Fluent Bit daemonset on the Kubernetes node to collect the container and application logs from the node file system. Fluent Bit queries the Kubernetes API, enriches the logs with metadata about the pods (in the Edge namespace), and transfers both the logs and metadata to Fluentd. Fluentd receives, filters, and persists the logs in the persistent volume claim configured for logging.

To download the diagnostic log archive, run the command below. It generates a file named c8yedge-logs-{current date}.tar.gz in the current directory.

kubectl get edge c8yedge -n c8yedge --output jsonpath='{.status.helpCommands.downloadLogs}' | sh
Substitute the Edge name and namespace name c8yedge in the command above with the specific Edge name and namespace name you have specified in your Edge CR.

Download the log archives remotely from your cloud tenant. For more information, see Downloading diagnostics remotely.

Installing Edge in an air-gapped environment

Edge on Kubernetes supports extended offline operations with intermittent or no internet connection. This capability enables seamless operation in environments where continuous internet access is not guaranteed. In order to achieve seamless operation of Edge in offline environments, it is essential to ensure that all required artifacts, including Helm Charts and Docker images, are readily available. This can be accomplished by hosting these artifacts in a local Harbor registry.

Harbor is an open-source container image registry which can be installed and configured to host the Edge artifacts. This guide will walk you through the process of installing and configuring Harbor version 2.5, providing step-by-step instructions to help you set up the registry for Edge deployment. For more information on Harbor, refer to Harbor 2.5 Documentation

Harbor Installation and Configuration

This section describes how to install and configure Harbor on Kubernetes using Helm Chart for Harbor.


Make sure that your target host meets the following prerequisites. |

|Details| |:—|:—| |Hardware|CPU: 2 cores
CPU Architecture: x86-64

These are the minimum system requirements for deploying Harbor. If you are deploying Harbor in the same cluster as you intend to deploy Edge, please note that these requirements are additional to those required for Edge.
| |Kubernetes|Version 1.25.x has been tested (with potential compatibility for subsequent versions)| |Docker CLI|Install docker-ce and docker-ce-cli packages. Refer to Installing Docker for installation instructions.| |Helm version 3.x|Refer to Installing Helm for the installation instructions.| |Helm cm-push plugin|Helm plugin to push chart package to ChartMuseum. Refer to Installing cm-push plugin for the installation instructions.| |ORAS CLI version 1.0.0|OCI Registry As Storage (ORAS) CLI is used to publish non-container artifacts to the Harbor registry. Refer to Installing ORAS CLI for installation instructions.|
|Disk space|Four static Persistent Volumes (PV) or a StorageClass configured with dynamic provisioning to bind.
- 5 GB each for the Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) made for the registry (storing container images) and the chartmuseum (storing Helm Charts).
- 1 GB each for the Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) made for the harbor database and the jobservice.| |TLS/SSL key and TLS/SSL certificate|Optional. Use your internal or an external CA (Certification Authority) to generate these files. Ensure that the TLS/SSL certificate has the complete certificate chain in the right order.

The .crt and .key files must be in the PEM format and the .key file must not be encrypted.

Install Harbor using Helm Charts

You can download and edit the Harbor configuration file c8yedge-harbor-values.yaml if necessary. After making any required edits, execute the following commands to install Harbor in the c8yedge-harbor namespace:

LOCAL_HARBOR_NAMESPACE=c8yedge-harbor  		# Change namespace name if necessary

helm repo add harbor-repo && \
kubectl create namespace ${LOCAL_HARBOR_NAMESPACE} && \
helm upgrade --install -f c8yedge-harbor-values.yaml -n ${LOCAL_HARBOR_NAMESPACE} c8yedge-harbor harbor-repo/harbor --version 1.9.6

Wait for Harbor server to start

You can verify if the Harbor server has started by checking the status of the pods using the following command:

LOCAL_HARBOR_NAMESPACE=c8yedge-harbor 		# Change namespace name if necessary   

kubectl get pods -n ${LOCAL_HARBOR_NAMESPACE}

This command will display the status of all pods in the specified namespace (c8yedge-harbor in this case), allowing you to confirm whether the Harbor server pods are running successfully.

Update /etc/hosts to resolve the domain

Run the below commands to update the /etc/hosts file to resolve the harbor domain:

LOCAL_HARBOR_NAMESPACE=c8yedge-harbor       # Change namespace name if necessary
LOCAL_HARBOR_DOMAIN=c8yedge.harbor.local    # Change harbor domain if necessary

LOCAL_HARBOR_IP=$(kubectl get service -n ${LOCAL_HARBOR_NAMESPACE} c8yedge-harbor-lb -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
sudo sed -i "/${LOCAL_HARBOR_DOMAIN}/d" /etc/hosts && \

echo "${LOCAL_HARBOR_IP} ${LOCAL_HARBOR_DOMAIN}" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

After completing this step, you should be able to sign into the Harbor registry at https://c8yedge.harbor.local:5001 with the username admin and password admin-pass.

Trust the self-signed Harbor server certificates

Run the below commands to trust the self-signed Harbor server certificates:

If you intend to install Edge on a different Kubernetes cluster, you need to run these commands also on the machine hosting the cluster.

sudo sh -c '
LOCAL_HARBOR_DOMAIN=c8yedge.harbor.local    # Change harbor domain if necessary
LOCAL_HARBOR_PORT=5001                      # Change harbor port if necessary

LOCAL_HARBOR_REGISTRY_CA_CERT=$(echo quit | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername ${LOCAL_HARBOR_DOMAIN} -connect ${LOCAL_HARBOR_DOMAIN}:${LOCAL_HARBOR_PORT}) && \
if command -v "update-ca-certificates" > /dev/null 2>&1; then 
	mkdir -p /usr/local/share/ca-certificates 
	echo "${LOCAL_HARBOR_REGISTRY_CA_CERT}" > /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/c8yedge-harbor-registry-ca.crt 
elif command -v "update-ca-trust" > /dev/null 2>&1; then 
	mkdir -p /etc/pki/tls/certs 
	echo "${LOCAL_HARBOR_REGISTRY_CA_CERT}" > /etc/pki/tls/certs/c8yedge-harbor-registry-ca.crt 
	update-ca-trust extract 
You should restart the Docker, container runtime and Kubernetes cluster after running the above commands for the changes to take effect. For example, you can restart k3s using sudo systemctl restart k3s or sudo service k3s restart commands.

Download and publish Edge artifacts to local Harbor registry

This section outlines the steps to download the Edge artifacts from the Cumulocity registry and publish them to the local Harbor registry. You need to run a Python script to achieve this.

Install repository sync script

To install Edge repository synchronization script run the commands below:

Refer to Python Setup and Usage for installing Python 3 required to run this script.

pip install --force-reinstall //files/edge-k8s/c8yedge_repository_sync-1018.0.0-py3-none-any.whl

Run repository sync script

To download and publish the Edge artifacts to local Harbor registry, run the command below:

EDGE_REPO_USER="EDGE-REPO-USER"             # Edge repository credentials can be obtained from the DT IoT logistics team for your region
EDGE_REPO_PASSWORD="EDGE-REPO-PASS"         # Edge repository credentials can be obtained from the DT IoT logistics team for your region

LOCAL_HARBOR_DOMAIN=c8yedge.harbor.local    # Change harbor domain if necessary
LOCAL_HARBOR_PORT=5001                      # Change harbor port if necessary
LOCAL_HARBOR_USER="admin"                   # Change if you used different credentails while installing the Harbor registry
LOCAL_HARBOR_PASSWORD="admin-pass"          # Change if you used different credentails while installing the Harbor registry

c8yedge_repository_sync sync -v 1018.0.0 -sr -sru "${EDGE_REPO_USER}" -srp "${EDGE_REPO_PASSWORD}" -tr "${LOCAL_HARBOR_DOMAIN}:${LOCAL_HARBOR_PORT}" -tru "${LOCAL_HARBOR_USER}" -trp "${LOCAL_HARBOR_PASSWORD}" --dryrun False
To request the Edge repository credentials, contact the DT IoT logistics team for your region:

Update CoreDNS configuration

Run the commands below to modify the CoreDNS configuration of the Kubernetes cluster to enable resolution of the local Harbor registry’s domain:

LOCAL_HARBOR_NAMESPACE=c8yedge-harbor       # Change namespace name if necessary
LOCAL_HARBOR_DOMAIN=c8yedge.harbor.local    # Change harbor domain if necessary

LOCAL_HARBOR_IP=$(kubectl get service -n "${LOCAL_HARBOR_NAMESPACE}" c8yedge-harbor-lb -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")

EXISTING_NODEHOSTS=$(kubectl get configmap coredns -n kube-system -o jsonpath='{.data.NodeHosts}')
EXISTING_NODEHOSTS=$(echo -n "${EXISTING_NODEHOSTS}" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g')


kubectl patch configmap coredns -n kube-system --type merge -p "{\"data\":{\"NodeHosts\":\"${UPDATED_NODEHOSTS}\"}}"

Installing the Edge Operator

To install the Edge Operator, run and enter the version (for example, 1018.0.0) you want to install, and the local Harbor registry credentials.

EDGE_NAMESPACE=c8yedge                    # Change namespace name if you want to deploy Edge operator and Edge in a different namespace
LOCAL_HARBOR_DOMAIN=c8yedge.harbor.local  # Change harbor domain if necessary
LOCAL_HARBOR_PORT=5001                    # Change harbor port if necessary

kubectl create namespace ${EDGE_NAMESPACE} && \
kubectl apply -n ${EDGE_NAMESPACE} -f //files/edge-k8s/custom-environment-variables.yaml && \ 
curl -sfL //files/edge-k8s/ -O && bash ./ -n ${EDGE_NAMESPACE} -r ${LOCAL_HARBOR_DOMAIN}:${LOCAL_HARBOR_PORT}

Provide the local Harbor registry credentials in the prompt:

Enter username to access Edge Operator repository:  
Enter password to access Edge Operator repository:

Run the following command to follow the logs for the Edge Operator pod:

EDGE_NAMESPACE=c8yedge   # Change namespace name if you deployed Edge operator in a different namespace

kubectl logs -f -n ${EDGE_NAMESPACE} deployment/c8yedge-operator-controller-manager manager

Installing Edge

Continue with installing Edge by following the instructions in Installing Edge section.

Standard platform applications

See Standard platform applications in the User guide.

UI functionalities and features

See UI functionalities and features in the User guide.

User options and settings

See User options and settings in the User guide.

Knowledge Hub

See Knowledge Hub in the User guide.